Thursday, June 9, 2011

Growth Spurt!

Mia is going through a 3-month growth spurt. At least I hope that’s what it is. Girlfriend nursed for ONE HOUR last night. She hasn’t done that since she was about 6-7 weeks old. God I remember those nights, nursing for almost an hour, catnapping for about 45 minutes, then nursing again. And again. And again. I don’t mind these older spurts as much; she can go a few hours between the marathon nursing sessions, so that's manageable. It’s the daycare situation that is frustrating. The ladies keep saying that she’s still hungry, even though I keep upping her ounces. I am giving them bottles that contain more milk than I can pump in one sitting. Thanks goodness for the paranoid momma storage supply in the freezer.

I hope she doesn’t grow too fast. I am trying so hard to savor these precious teeny baby moments. There are never enough of them, don’t you think?

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