Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This is totally another blog about babies.

My husband and I started a blog about our super gorgeous, super advanced, super funny, super sweet baby girl, Mia June. She was born in March of 2011. Our families wanted a way to keep up with the fetus/child without having to continuously pester us via phone or email. We started recording stories and posting photos, and before I knew it the blog was really "cutesie." This is good in some ways, I suppose, because it's our out-of-state family's only link to Mia, between reunions and holidays. They don't want to direct their friends to our blog and blush in horror when what appears on the screen is a post about my mucous plug or a picture of my daughter's crazy poop. The problem is, I want to talk about my mucous plug and my daughter's crazy poop. And that's why I am here, sans the hubs. This is about the real stuff that happens between newborn giggles and trips to the park. This blog is about moodiness, poop, tantrums, and the stuff your friends don't warn you about. Also featured: art, photography, crafting, and numerous other interesting topics that won't scare you away.

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